Providing your athletes the best recovery experience possible with simple to use hydrotherapy systems.
Your job becomes easier with our simple to use hydrotherapy system.

Brett Favre comments on the importance of hydrotherapy and why he chose CRYOTherm
Favre’s Oak Grove High School Experience
Learn more about the CRYOTherm Above-Ground System.
Learn more about the new CRYOTherm In-Ground System.
Overwhelmed by the amount of time it akes to maintain your hydrotherapy system?
It’s time for a simpler solution!

Self Contained
CRYOTherm arrives at your facility fully assembled and operational. As a result, installation is simpler and less expensive. Most installations are done in a few hours.

Clinically Effective
CRYOTherm is a FDA listed medical device. It precisely maintains optimal therapy temperatures and water quality without the use of ice, hot water, or chemicals.

Operationally Efficient
CRYOTherm’s design supports responsible and sustainable operation. Because of this, long term cost of operation will be reduced.

Facility Friendly
CRYOTherm is designed and built to fit your space and your needs. As a result, it will add phenomenal recruitment value and appeal to your hydrotherapy area.
Every athlete deserves the ultimate recovery experience.

Solve your hydrotherapy problems. Call us at (800) 223‑5395!
Or use our contact form to get in touch